home Operating rules Large home appliances How to wash membrane clothing in a washing machine

How to wash membrane clothing in a washing machine

In general, things made from such fabric are not recommended to be washed often. The ideal option is once a season and then, observing certain rules, otherwise you can easily deprive the clothes of all its properties. Therefore, we will tell you in as much detail as possible how to wash membrane clothing in a washing machine.

What is membrane tissue?

What is membrane tissue
This is a fabric that does not allow moisture to pass from the outside at all, but it perfectly removes the body's fumes to the outside. That is, it is just as warm and dry in it as in a warm jacket, on which an oilcloth raincoat is worn on top, but at the same time, your back does not get wet and there is no risk that the slightest breath of breeze will instantly "stretch" you.

And this effect comes out because the fabric itself is very warm and breathable, but on top it is covered with the thinnest film, which is not solid, but perforated with microscopic holes. And moisture cannot get inside in any way, they are too small. Therefore, it simply flows down, falling on this coating. But the steam from the body comes out remarkably, there are enough holes that are not visible to the eye.

Membrane tissues come in three subtypes. What is the difference between them? Yes, in thickness. And they all have the same properties and the rules for washing apply to any of them. Nowadays, almost all winter sportswear is made from this material. Also, overalls for fishermen, tourists and hunters. It is, indeed, very convenient and functional. But, but ... This pleasure is not cheap. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of it, and first of all - to properly wash and store it.

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What products can be used to wash it?

What products can be used to wash it

More than anything else, membrane fabric is afraid of bleach. It eats away at the film itself, making its pores wider. And from this, the moisture-repellent effect is completely lost. And as you probably know, chlorine is found in almost all washing powders. Let in a small amount, but still, it is. This means that the first thing that we exclude from the means that can be used to wash such a thing is powders. In addition, in addition to bleach, they may contain more aggressive substances.

How to wash membrane jackets, for example, is written on the labels themselves attached to the clothes. If there are none (and everything can be, if you bought the jacket in the same second-hand), then just read our tips on how to wash the membrane. There are special detergents on sale for these clothes. But, since they are very expensive, many people replace their use with cheaper counterparts. For instance:

  • Laundry soap
  • Children's washing gel

These two products are very gentle and do not contain anything that can damage the film membrane. Naturally, if we say - laundry soap, then we mean - a simple, simplest, brown soap, and not all sorts of "Antilyapins" and other means with additives.

But how do you use laundry soap in a washing machine? Very simple. You need to make a liquid from it. Rub a third of a block with a grater and dilute with warm water.Now calmly pour this substance into the compartment of the washing machine. Yes, for a long time. Yes, it doesn't smell very good. But it is cheap and absolutely safe for such fabric. And it washes perfectly, by the way!

What is the optimal water temperature for membrane clothing? The most optimal temperature at which you can wash such a thing is 40C. If you do less, it does not wash off very well. Doing more will spoil. And, as you probably understood, such things should never be boiled and ironed with a hot iron. If you can't do without ironing, then you need to iron only through the fabric, and only at the lowest temperature.

Do you need treatment with special products after washing?

There are special products on sale for membrane fabrics. But, they are also not a panacea, by and large. And if you think that you can wash it as you like and with any aggressive means, and then sprinkle it with a "magic spray" and the fabric will become like new, then you are mistaken.

These sprays are good for old fabrics when you already see wear and tear and the clothes are losing their properties. She, by the way, is not eternal. And it lasts for several years, and then, the film gradually collapses and your sports, membrane jacket turns into a completely ordinary one.

How to store these clothes correctly

To prolong the life of such a useful thing, you need to keep it right. From basic recommendations:

  1. Do not store in damp rooms and do not store near substances that smell very strong.
  2. This fabric tends to absorb odors, and, as you already know, it is often not worth washing it.

In general, you already know how to wash membrane clothes and we hope that our advice will be of use to you!

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