home Care Small household appliances How to remove the smell from the microwave: tips from experienced housewives

How to remove the smell from the microwave: tips from experienced housewives

The microwave oven is a must-have in modern cuisine. She is an excellent assistant to any hostess. In addition to heating ready-made food, it is easy to prepare a quick breakfast here, bake in a sleeve or defrost meat. But like other household appliances, the microwave requires maintenance. The main problem encountered when using a microwave oven is the appearance of an unpleasant odor. To understand how to get rid of the smell in the microwave, you need to establish the reasons for its appearance.

A little about chemicals

Store shelves and counters provide a rich assortment of a wide variety of household chemicals. Compositions of aggressive components will easily cope with any problem of cleaning kitchen equipment. But not every housewife will trust the advertised chemical agent to clean the inner surface of the microwave. There are a number of reasons for this. The main ones are the high cost of household chemicals and aesthetic and environmental considerations regarding the compatibility of food and chemically aggressive agents.

Commercial cleaners are not intended for human consumption, and even a drop of leftover substance in a microwave oven can cause significant health damage. Therefore, the housewives, who have been using the equipment for heating and cooking food for many years, have created their own secrets on how to get rid of the burning smell in the microwave. The methods developed by experience are safe, but no less effective in application than household chemicals. The main rule before using this or that method is to carefully remove the remnants of food from the inner walls of the microwave. Perhaps a simple rinse with a kitchen sponge and dishwashing detergent will help remove the unpleasant odor. If cleaning does not give positive results and everything smells of burning from the oven, you should try one of the more effective cleaning methods. (Read also: How to remove the smell from the multicooker? )

Traditional methods of cleaning the microwave

Cleaning with water and lemon

Lemon is a wonderful and very healthy citrus fruit. It has a lot of advantages, including the ability to eliminate a wide variety of unpleasant odors, such as burning, fats, fish and other products. In the case of a microwave oven, the recipe for its use is quite simple. You need to take one medium sized lemon and cut into circles right along with the peel. Put half of the rings in a container, add water there. Next, you should put the container in the oven and, turning it on at full power, bring the water to a boil, continuing the process for five minutes. Then do the same with the second half of the citrus. When the treatment is over, the burning smell will be completely eliminated.

Getting rid of smells with activated carbon

You can remove the long-standing burning smell inside the microwave using activated carbon. Ten tablets of coal must be completely crushed into powder, put on a saucer and left in the oven for 12-15 hours. The result is excellent - the amber burn disappears completely!


Read also: How to remove odor from a new kettle?

Baking soda cleaning method

Baking soda can help get rid of unpleasant odors. Two teaspoons of baking soda just need to be diluted with three tablespoons of water until completely dissolved. The resulting liquid should be wiped off the inner walls of the microwave. It is recommended to repeat the procedure after an hour. This method is incredibly simple - you don't need to heat, boil or rinse anything.

We clean natural coffee

It's no secret that coffee beans can effectively remove almost any unpleasant odor. We need to brew a small cup of an invigorating drink (without sugar) and it is with them, applied to a napkin, to wipe the insides of the device. After 3-5 hours, the applied and dried drink must be washed off with water. The smell of burning will disappear, and instead, during use, the device will delight you with a pleasant aroma of coffee for several more days. Moreover, the coffee aroma will come only from the very inside of the oven, absolutely not touching the taste and smell of food.

Cleaning with table vinegar

Table vinegar is known for its ability to remove odors from various origins. To clean the microwave oven, table vinegar should be mixed with water (one to one) and the resulting solution should be well wiped off the inside of kitchen appliances. Next, you need to once again remove the inner walls and parts, only this time just with a washcloth or a napkin dipped in water. After the procedure, it is recommended to leave the door open for a couple of minutes to allow the residual vinegar to completely disappear.

Cleaning with natural herbs

Using natural herbs, you can remove unpleasant amber in the microwave. Mint, thyme, lavender, or other plants should be brewed together or singly. Place the resulting broth in the microwave for half an hour at maximum mode. Then wipe the walls with a dry kitchen napkin.

Getting rid of the smell of table salt

Table salt is an irreplaceable assistant in kitchen affairs. Experienced housewives are well aware of its odor-absorbing properties. To remove in the microwave, we need about one hundred grams of salt, pour it on a saucer and leave it in the turned off oven overnight. In the morning, the device will surprise and delight you with the absence of a burning aroma. It is better to throw out the salt after such a procedure, since it is no longer recommended to use it as a seasoning for food.


Read also: How do I descale my coffee machine?

Preventive measures

In order to remove the unpleasant smells of burning, old fat or fish forever and then not have to spend time eliminating them, you just need to follow certain operating rules:

  1. Avoid using unsuitable containers. A detailed description of the non-recommended cookware can be found in the instructions that are always attached to the appliance. Usually, an unsuitable container is considered one that has shiny decor details (a gold rim around the edge, a pattern with gilding, etc.).
  2. Leave the door open for a short time after use. Thus, you can get rid of the smell in the microwave. The fragrances will be able to fade slightly without "overlapping" each other.
  3. When cooking or in reheating mode, it is recommended to cover food with special microwave lids or just a suitable empty container. Likewise, the fat from food does not pollute the walls, and the aromas do not overlap.
  4. The last rule is regular preventive cleaning, which should be done at least once a month. To do this, you can use a toothpaste (preferably mint) and an old toothbrush. With the help of a brush and paste, you need to get to the farthest corners. After cleaning, thoroughly wash the walls and corners and wipe dry.

Now you know how to remove the smell from the microwave without harmful products.

See also - How to choose the right microwave for your home

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One thought on “How to remove the smell from the microwave: advice from experienced housewives”

  1. Elena:

    She also constantly suffered until she came across odorgon, processed it a couple of times, the smell was gone, they also make discounts)

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